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How To Maintain Your Salon Color

After a full day of salon pampering, you got the new look down! Here are some tips to keep your hair color looking just as good as the day you got it done.

1. After coloring, wait a full 72 hrs before shampooing

Don't be in a rush, when coloring your hair its always best to wait up to three days for the cuticle layer of your hair to fully close so the longer you wait to shampoo after a color service the more time the color pigment will have to soak in the hair cuticle keeping your look maintained and Flawless.

2.Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner

Know your Products by using sulfates an ingredient used to help produce a foaming effect to you conditioners and shampoos, you run the risk of stripping your hair of its natural oils and moisture,

which can then lead to stripping your beautiful Color treated hair.

3. Add dye to your Conditioner

If your rocking a bright fun,and vibrant look, try adding

a small amount of Dye to you condition when washing your hair, this will have you looking fresh with Beautiful Color, until your roots grow out.

4.Warm Water When Shampooing over Hot

Yes, hot water is relaxing and amazing but its not very good for your hair Color, when washing your hair with hot water your hairs cuticle is still open allowing your color to wash out while shampooing and conditioning, to save your hair try shampooing with Warm water this will allow your Shampoo and Conditioner to penetrate and cleanse while the cool water will seal the moisture in your gorgeous locks preventing your color from fading.

5. On off days, use dry shampoo

Color-safe dry shampoos are a must theses will refresh your hair and make it look clean and rejuvenated with out even having to wash your hair!

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